Broward Children's Center

Volunteer Procedures
1. All volunteers must download and complete a Volunteer Application.
2. Once the Volunteer Application is completed, it should be submitted to the Volunteer Coordinator
3. The Volunteer Coordinator will then contact the volunteer to schedule a time for an interview and a tour
of the program. Interviews will not be done by phone or email.
4. All volunteers must complete the following required forms prior to volunteering:​
Volunteer Application (from #1 above)
Affidavit of Good Moral Character – must be signed and notarized
Level 2 Background Screening by either Broward County Child Care & Licensing or ACHA
Certificate of Good Health – Physical – No PPD test is required
Local Background Check – Broward County (or local ) Sheriff’s Office Records Division
All completed documents should be returned via email to volunteer@bcckids.org
Upon receipt of all of the forms, we will arrange for your fingerprinting, a personal interview and tour of our facility.
5. If the Volunteer has already received a Level 2 Background Screening by another agency, it may be
submitted for review by the Human Resource Department. If approved, it may not be necessary to be
6. All medical and background screening costs is at the Volunteers own expense.
7. Once all the Volunteer Documents are complete and reviewed by the Volunteer Coordinator, the
Volunteer will be required to attend a short orientation.
8. At the orientation, the Volunteer will receive a t-shirt which they are required to wear each time they
9. Volunteers must schedule their volunteer hours with the appropriate BCC personnel through email.
Contact information for the appropriate BCC personnel will be provided at Orientation.
10. All volunteers must sign-in and out in the Volunteer Log located at the front desk each time they
Development Department

200 SE 19th Ave, Pompano Beach, FL 33060