Broward Children's Center
BBC Resources

1. Scholarship Opportunities:
2. Florida School of Choice Resources:
3. Passenger Service and Safety Training:
In 2017, Broward Children’s Center will be introducing its PASS (Passenger Service and Safety) course, open to the public. BCC is the only certified training institute in South Florida to offer the course. Trainees will become certified upon the completion of a 4 hour course with certified trainers.
Visit www.bcckids.org/passtraining for more.
4. Information and Referral Helpline:
Get connected. Get answers. Dial 211, or 954.537.0211, or visit www.211-broward.org.
5. Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Support and Resources:
Brain Injury Association of Florida:
Brain Injury Association of America:
Florida Department of Health –Florida’s Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Program:
The Spinal Cord Injury Support Group
Brain and Spinal Cord Resources & Information Guide
SCI Info Pages
Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation
National Spinal Cord Injury Association
Birth Injury Guide
Cerebral Palsy Guide
Cerebral Palsy Group
Living with Limb Loss Support Group
6. Parent Support Resource List for Assistive Technology:
Alliance for Technology Access (ATA):
A national network of technology resource centers and technology vendors dedicated to connecting children and adults with disabilities to technology tools. This site contains a library of assistive technology resources, links for advocacy issues, and opportunities for membership:
EASI: Equal Access to Software and Information:
EASI is part of the Teaching, Learning and Technology Group, an affiliate of the American Association for Higher Education. EASI provides “information and guidance in the area of access-to-information technologies by individuals with disabilities.” The site includes live and archived webcasts. http://easi.cc/
Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technologies:
This comprehensive sites features assistive technology products geared toward individuals with disabilities. www.faast.org/node/2440
7. Cerebral Palsy Resources:
Cerebral Palsy Group:
8. Classroom Technologies:
9. Additional Assistive Technology Resources:
10. Other Parent Support Resources:
The BECCA program provides parents and care givers of children with special needs a tool to store the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding their child’s medical history and other critical information. The BECCA form can be used by paramedics to obtain critical medical information during an emergency, helping to properly treat your child. www.sheriff.org